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Chinese Anti-Cancer Association Australia  

The Chinese Anti-Cancer Association Australia Inc (CACA Australia) is a newly established non-profit organization with a formal registration at New South Wales Fair Trading in 2018. It aims to build a platform on addressing the complexities of cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment and to promote awareness amongst the community.

Our Vision:

To devoted to reducing the incidence and mortality rates of cancer, and to ultimately achieve a cancer-free future in our community.


Our Mission

To reduce cancer burden among Chinese community and raise their knowledge and awareness of cancer risk and prevention, and to provide support for patients with Chinese background to navigate the cancer care system and to get the best possible care.

Our Objectives

  1. Providing educational information to support cancer patients, their families and the community (particularly among Australians with a Chinese heritage) to ultimately improve and enhance their quality of life.

  2. Fund-raising to support and invest in primary prevention of cancer through identifying preventable risk factors as well as secondary prevention through early detection and targeted cancer treatments.

  3. Organizing scientific workshop and forums with a focus on presenting newly discovered research and optimal clinical practices from experienced professionals.

Our Values:


Innovation; Collaboration; Respect; Learning

To be the member

1. Show commitment and a willingness to contribute towards CACA-Australia and our goals;

2. Agree to, and abide by, the constitution of CACA-Australia as stated in the terms and conditions; and

3. Complete and submit the membership application form

4. Approve by the Association

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